Vlad Fedchun
Hello. This is my personal page.
Here you will get acquainted with me, as well as with my work experience, including cryptocurrencies. Below I will tell a short story about my becoming in the crypto market, followed by a link to a detailed CV.


I am passionate about blockchain and cryptocurrencies. I have been working in this field every day, every weekend, for almost two years. And, if I'm lucky, I want to devote most of my life to it.

I was born in 1989. I try to exercise every day, walk at least two kilometers a day and do not eat dinner later than six in the evening. Together with my wife, I am raising two beautiful sons.


You can find more information about my skills and work experience in my resume, which I have attached below.

I will be glad to find a team of like-minded people and am always open for cooperation with honest and decent projects.

You can contact me at any of the contact information provided below. Please indicate in the message that you have read the information about me, at mus56.me (this is necessary for me to understand that this is not spam).

Email: mail@mus56.me
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